{Olivia ~ Newborn}

Darling Olivia (her parents call her Livy too like we call our Olivia ). Loved loved loved her beautiful dark hair and she had the prettiest skin and longest lashes *sigh*.

{Eliza ~ Newborn}

Such a sweet session from start to finish! I photographed handsome little Wyatt in 2020 when we still lived in Colorado and now look what a sweet big brother he is to TWO little sisters. My heart! I absolutely ADORE this family and am SO HAPPY I still get to photograph them now that we’re all in Oklahoma!

Baby Ari

Little Ari was what we newborn photographers like to call a “unicorn”. So sweet and sleepy and a dream to work with!

Baby Bridgette

Darling little Bridgette barely made a peep for her session and was just a DOLL! Even gave some sweet smiles while she posed with her parents. :)

Beverly {Lifestyle Newborn}

Always love photographing newborns in their own home. Beverly was absolutely precious just like her big sister, Charlotte :)

Baby Wyatt

I’m such a sucker for babies with hair and adorable Wyatt sure did deliver :) Sleepiest baby and oh so sweet!

Baby Oliver

Some babies just give you baby fever (even though I’m DONE having babies ha!)! Oliver was one of them! Precious precious little guy and SO so good for me!

Baby Finn

When you have a baby that just sleeps and sleeps and sleeps…I seriously could have shared every image from little Finn’s gallery. Sweetest baby boy!

Baby Harrison

Sweetest little peanut and just let me play and play. Adorable Harrison! <3

Harrison {Fresh 48}

This little guy decided he didn’t want to wait for his Christmas day due date and decided to come on his own a few days early. And what a SWEETIE he was! Have I mentioned how much I love my job! <3